Monday, 5 November 2012

Berkoff: Decadence

Once Mrs Pringle made sure we all understood Metamorphosis and Steven Berkoff a bit more she then gave us all another Steven Berkoff script called Decadence. Before we were given this piece of script in previous lessons we went to the Year 11's class and watched them perform Crave by Sarah Kaine. Crave is similiar to decadence in the way the script is set out with no stage directions or punctuation. The only thing to break the two scripts up were slashes between 'sentences.'

For the script decadence we were told to choose our partners so me and Paige chose each other because I think we connect well and listen to each others opinions and ideas well.
As a pair we sat down together and gave the script a few read throughs to get the idea of it a bit more then we decided to choose different lines for each other and annotate/highlighted the script.

Deciding on where we would have the audience was very tricky. Me and Paige changed our mind a lot because we did not want to be original and boring because Steven Berkoff is very different to this. We finally decided on having two chairs centre stage with walking space width apart and we are going to walk into the audience to break the fourth wall.
Another aspect we looked at was our costumes/makeup. Me and Paige spoke quite a bit about this as I think it is very important and makes a huge impact on the audiences views on the characters. We decided to stick to the colours black, white and red. Black and white were used in Berkoff's plays a lot so we chose to stick by this and we chose the colour red because it can mean a numerous amount of things like, seduction, sex, danger, blood, death etc... We are both going to be costumed the same. White tops, black trousers, white or black shoes, a white drama half mask and bright red lipstick. Steven Berkoff was quite a strange playwright so this fits perfectly.

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